Tag: driving lessons

We currently have some limited availability for both manual and automatic car lessons in the Blackburn, Accrington and Oswaldtwistle areas. If you are looking to get started learning to drive or if you have previously taken lessons but took a break and are now ready to restart we have got some availability if you are read more…

We will soon be having some limited availability for driving lessons in an automatic car from July 2023 in the Blackburn and surrounding areas. To book if you are not already on our waiting list please email us to be added and we will let you know if we can accommodate you. Those on the read more…

The DVSA have confirmed that restrictions have now been removed during driving lessons and tests. Face masks are no longer required to be worn during lessons or on theory or practical tests. It is now a personal option, some examiners may still wear a face covering during tests. There is still a long waiting list read more…

After such a long lockdown after Christmas, we are really pleased to now be back at work out teaching again. We have now been back since 12th April and oh has it been busy getting students back up to standard and ready for driving tests that were already booked before lockdown. The DVSA have contacted read more…

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Following yesterdays government briefing by Boris Johnson setting out the road map, it is looking like we can restart driving lessons again from 12th April 2021. This is providing their 4 stage steps proceed as planned but we have hope. We will shortly be contacting read more…